Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Bloody Shi'ites

          The loyal followers of Ali known as the Shi’at Ali, or “party of Ali” have continued to fight for what they consider to be divine rights in the rule of the Islamic world.  The Shi’ites can be seen lacerating themselves during the annual commemoration of the martyrdom of past leaders.
          The Shi’ite faction which became the state religion of Iran brought about new ideas regarding divine eligibility to the caliphate which is linked to the royal blood line of the prophet.  Out of this conviction sprang an elite group of “Ismailites” who held a secret order similar to western Masonic mysticism in which members were led to believe they would hold the keys of the Talim or Secret Doctrine (that God is All) elevating them above every creed and law.  This required a somewhat more allegorical interpretation of the Qur’an.  It also required of course total obedience to the Dai-d-Duat, or Grand Master of the order.  Often times esoteric views have been put forth related to numerology and transmigration of the soul from the dead to certain living leaders or Imams.  Some of these ideas are most difficult for the western mind to grasp.  Their numerology ideas are possibly linked to ancient Jewish mysticism called the kabballa, or even numerical patterns in the Bible.  A group of twelve Imams, the “Twelvers,” in Iran claimed to direct the world’s future and around them developed a tradition of followers making pilgrimages to their tombs.  A considerable business is maintained around the burial of corpses of the faithful around the cities where these tombs are found.  They are carted here from considerable distances.  Imam Husain, the grandson of the prophet being an important focus of honor.  Husain is one of those martyrs for whom the faithful flail themselves with an assortment of blades during the Ashura, or traditional day of mourning at the memorial in Karbala, Iraq.  It is a frenzied form of mourning that few in the west can wrap their minds around.  Boys as young as five or six years old take part to show their bravery and devotion.  A student of the Bible might have Old Testament scenes of the conflict with Elijah and the prophets of Baal come to mind.  The prophets of Baal used similar methods for getting the attention of their god.  The mystical idea of the reappearance of a Hidden Imam as the Mahdi (Guided One), who will bring peace and justice has been promoted through various leaders who have preached Islamic reform.  This became the foundation of the Fatimid dynasty.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

See Something

Say Nothing
by Philip Haney & Art Moore
review by Dale Brown
National security events following the Islamic attacks on America on September 11, 2001 developed into what has become known as the Department of Homeland Security, set up President George W. Bush and the US Congress.  It is the largest Government agency formed since the establishment of the Department of Defense and Philip Haney was one its founding members.  And now he is dead.  https://www.wnd.com/2020/02/dhs-whistleblower-philip-haney-dies/

An entomologist with a history of researching bugs for the Department of Agriculture and experience with overseas cultures and languages in Egypt, Eritrea, Israel, Jordan, and Yemen he had a unique ability for tracking down Muslim terrorists.  He was the stereotypical nerd who had learned shorthand which became one of his most valuable assets.  He has been called a nation treasure because when "See something, say something" was plastered all over public places after 9/11 he was a front-line intelligence expert investigating branches of the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups linked to worldwide terror.  Michele Bachman, former member of Congress, wrote a glowing foreword expressing her concern how a man such as Mr. Haney could receive numerous awards for his work going beyond the call of duty yet when his reports were sent up the chain of command his detailed findings were so alarming that those who had been calling Islam a "religion of peace" had him shut down and the new and improved slogan became "See Something, Say Nothing".  Had this information been heeded it is likely that lives may have been saved such as those gunned down at San Bernardino.

It has been said that the road to hell is paved with political correctness.  He pointed out that in 2006 the American arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, (HAMAS) CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) began getting VIP tours of major US airport security systems and employees were required to go through Islamic sensitivity training so as to not offend Muslims.  CAIR began working with the ACLU getting legal advice on how to work the US courts in their favor and the United Arab Emirates started throwing millions of dollars at CAIR.  Haney wrote a piece called Green Tide Rising which was publish on the Front Page Magazine website which got the attention of those in power who accused him of unethical behavior.  An investigation yielded no evidence of criminal behavior, he proved to be nothing more than a patriot doing his job.

When Haney was ordered to erase years of research of dozens of links of terror groups he thought that he could get the attention of Congress about the tragedy this was going to cause for national security.  He submitted his concerns to Michele Bachman, Louie Gohmert and a few others then watched as John Boehner, John McCain and others defended Islam and attack them as though they had dreamed up a wild fantasy based on nothing but racial bias and religious bigotry.  It became quite obvious how dangerous things had become with Muslims in Congress such as Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison who were now speaking for the Muslim Brotherhood.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 's top aid, Huma Abedin, a Muslim, now had access to potentially sensitive government information and no one seemed to know how she ever got vetted to such a position.  Mitt Romney was one of those who came to the defense of the Muslims.

In 2011Hillary had been duped by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) a group of fifty-seven Muslim nations who have been working to empower a world Caliphate for decades. These countries already have sharia-blasphemy laws and are systematically scheming under the guise of confronting Islamophobia to enact such rules over non-Muslim countries as well.

This hard hitting book is co-written by Art Moore, a reporter and editor who has been in the business of researching counterterrorism since 9/11.  It will be interesting to see how the Trump's new administration will sort out the mess Washington is in.

For more information about the OIC

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sting Stung by Allah

A year after 89 people were slaughtered at a the Bataclan theater in Paris by Muslims, Sting reopened the venue with his song "Inshallah (God willing, in Arabic)".  Allah was likely the last word many of the victims heard before their blood ran out cold on the floor.
Musicians who write poetic lyrics which speak to the emotions and issues of daily life are so often elevated as prophets by their naive fans.  Bob Dylan, the Dixie Chicks, Bruce Springsteen and others have had their shot at it.  But very few of them are theologians.  Springsteen revealed his complete stupidity by claiming in mocking terms before the election that Trump was no way going to become President.  As brilliant as Sting is it is a wonder why he would use a term that would touch so many people on the raw.  I suppose he thought it would be a polite way of bowing to the Muslims and keep them off his back.  Well why not, that is what most other British dhimmis are doing these day.  To speak critical of Islam in Britain is to find yourself in court accused of any number of sharia trumped up charges as Tommy Robinson, Jayda Fransen and others have discovered.
Outspoken Christians such as Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen have had a long history of battles against Islam in the UK.  https://youtu.be/F66bXmR_FYk 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

CBC bringing more Muslim students

The article in the Tri-City Herald (10/30/16) regarding bringing in students from the United Arab Emirates brought to mind what Idaho State University in Pocatello has experienced over the past couple years. Columbia Basin College President Rich Cummins and Sen. Sharon Brown apparently see only dollar signs and over look the fact that these students are coming from Muslim nations who know only Sharia or Muslim law as their civil code of conduct where women are second class humans and non-Muslims are simply kafirs with no rights under Allah's laws. Both flogging and stoning are accepted forms of punishment in the UAE. This type of social experiment backfired in Pocatello and eventually many of the Saudi and Kuwaiti students, the cash cow, packed up and left because they were offended by the locals.  According to the Missoulian, Montana Tech in Butte, Montana had some serious problems with belligerent foreign Muslim students cheating on their tests in 2016.  You would think CBC would think twice before going down this road.
The Herald article points out that the UAE is planning eight nuclear plants and CBC could benefit by equipping students from there for this new business venture. So Obama has given the Iranians $400 million for their nuke projects and now CBC wants to equip students from the UAE to run nuclear plants as well. And Sen. Brown also wants to show off the college's cybersecurity program. To me this smacks of inviting in the Devil to keep the heating bill down.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Ka'ba - god in a box

Mohammed was born 567 after christ in the town of Mecca during a time when the religious folk of the area rallied around a group of stones set up in a shrine at the center of town.  These several hundred stones represented the various gods and goddesses of the surrounding tribes.   The New Encyclopedia of Islam by Cyril Glassé, a Muslim, writes that one of the most important idols in Mecca prior to Mohammed was one representing the moon god Hubal.  It is said Mohammed made a doorstep of Hubal.   Other historians claim the chief deity was known as Allah and other idols represented his daughters.  One thing for sure, the word Allah was commonly used prior to Mohammed’s arrival, his father’s name was ‘Abd Allah, literally servant of Allah.   This shrine has come to be known as the Ka’ba (“cube” in Arabic).  Being on the trade route for caravans between India and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean it was a popular place for religious pilgrimage and as with most religious centers it produces some degree of income for the local economy.  It provided for a certain amount of cultural diversity as well.
In the year 630 Mohammed led an overwhelming army of 10,000 men against Mecca where they took over the sanctuary of Allah and tore down all the images of foreign gods that had been introduced during the “Age of Ignorance” leaving only the Black Stone which is mounted in one corner of the club for all the world to see and admire.   The prophet sanctioned a tradition of kissing it which is still practiced to this day. 
Though Biblical characters at times set up stone altars or monuments for a memorial to historical events nothing compares to the Muslim adoration of the Ka’ba.  Muslim tradition has it that it was first built by Adam.  Later it was rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael, who supposedly started the pilgrimage tradition, yet there is no such record in the Bible or Jewish tradition.  “Lo! the first Santuary appointed for mankind was that at Becca (Mecca), a blessed place, a guidance to the peoples; wherein are plain memorials (of Allah’s guidance); the place where Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever entereth it is safe.  And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for him who can find a way thither.”  Mecca became the Holy City where Muslims have their annual gathering (hajj) and circle the Ka’ba seven times.  No unbeliever is authorized hereafter to set foot on this sacred bit of earth.  The Ka’ba has been rebuilt a number of times.  Shortly before Mohammed migrated from Medina, teakwood from a wrecked Byzantine ship at a nearby port was used to build a more elaborate Ka’ba.  Today it is draped with a black cloth embroidered with calligraphy in gold thread, which is cut up and distributed to those who make the annual pilgrimage.  Since the advent of modern world travel and communication this has become the most elaborate religious tourist scam in history.  It employs thousands of construction workers and janitorial teams that sweep and sanitize the area before and after every major event. There is a constant team of engineers and visionaries working on the enlargement of the area around the ka'ba do to an ever increasing number of faithful Muslims who come to the annual hajj.
Modern clock towers over the ka'ba

Kissing the black stone.  Why is this not idolatry?
Jesus never kissed the black stone

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Walmart endorsing Muslim Sharia?

Muslim supremacy or subjugation?
Muslim employees now sporting hijabs at the Walmart store in Kennewick, Washington.  How long will it be before Muslims sue them for not having proper segregated male and female prayer rooms, foot baths and time off during Ramadan?  A number of stores across the nation are already carrying Muslim Halal meats to accommodate Sharia.
Will Walmart have to provide cultural training or Islamic dawah for non-Muslim employees so as to not offend the Muslims?

You can thank World Relief, which has an office in the TriCities, and other refugee businesses for bringing the Muslim cult to your neighborhood.

Why do Muslims always look to us kafirs for help? 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mexican Muslims

Mexican at the Hajj
With Mexicans taking advantage of our weak border, what prevents
Muslims from doing the same?
They are working the halal food angle as well.
IslaminSpanish Centro Islamico 
In 2016 the first Mosque in America was built in Houston, TX for the purpose of reaching Latinos for Muhammad's cult.  It is complete with modern media equipment.

With support of CAIR Mr. Elsehmawy deceives children in Richland, WA
Mexican children whose families have had a bad experience
with Catholicism are an easy target.
Muslims want nothing to do with the real Jesus.
They hate the cross and will never submit to baptism.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Alexander the Great in the Quran

In the Quran Alexander the Great is called Dhul-Qanain or Two-Horned One, likely because of historical images of him wearing a helmet with two rams horns (Al-Kahf, The Cave 18:86-100). Stealing from an ancient legend that Alexander built a wall to keep out Gog and Magog of the north (18:94) the Quran claims that Alexander traveled to the place where the sun sets in a spring of black mud (18:86). Any questions?  Ask Allah (or the tooth fairy).

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Buddhism and Hindus in the Quran?

The Quran is very critical of Jews and Christianity but there is no mention of Buddhism or Hinduism, apparently Muhammad did not travel much.  Allah could only reveal things that were local.  So, apparently Allah did not travel much either.

Monday, June 6, 2016


American soldier, Terry Holdbrooks, who served as guard at Gitmo becomes
with the help of CAIR
Then writes a biography in 2013 of his disfunctional life 
and conversion which he pitches at Muslim events.
More proof that many Americans are void of spiritual direction and totally ignorant of the Bible and history.  Throughout his book he promotes the notion that Islam is not our enemy and that because GITMO prisoners were often more educated and sophisticated than the guards that harassed them then the Muslims must be innocent saints.  He suggests that many of the prisoners were simply sold to the U.S. by other Muslims merely for political, social or religious reasons, which says volumes about Muslim society.  The reality is however that Muslims, as in the case of the Sunnis and Shiite conflict, have been at war with each other for 1400 years and the west finds itself stuck in the middle to this day.  Holdbrooks naively paints Islam as one big happy family never mind the atrocities of 9/11.  On one trip delivering prisoners back to their homeland the soldiers spent a few days in Turkey where he visited the huge Sabanci Mosque in Adana.  He claimed nothing else had ever felt so right as Islam.  He apparently was unaware of the atrocities the Muslims had brought upon the Armenians in Turkey.  The very mosque he visited, which felt so right, was built in 1998 upon a confiscated Armenian cemetery.
Sabanci Mosque  
Terry Holdbrooks of Phoenix, Arizona now sports his new
 Muslim name given him by GITMO prisoners Mustafa (Chosen) Abdullah

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hood River Church and Islam

Church gets flack over Islam
When Mike Harrington, a 74 year old pastor in Hood River, Oregon displayed this sign outside his church he got a bit more attention than he was expecting.  Demonstrators showed up and he ended up in the newspaper and the local Mayor called him a bigot on television, which of course ended up on the internet where the the little country church got worldwide attention.  Many local pastors asked him to take down the sign but he was firm in his convictions and left it up for the whole month of May 2016.
While there is likely few, if any Muslims in Hood River, the pastor got most of his opposition from naive leftists that know nothing about either Islam, history, or the Bible.  Hood River is a beautiful little town on shores of the Columbia River a half hour or so east of Portland.  It is a tourist destination for windsurfers, photographers, potheads and others, and the Mayor was likely concerned about the reputation of their little cashcow.
The Mayor was not likely expecting things to turn in favor of the church sign from many out of town patriots and Christians who showed up with signs of their own.  Everyone likes freedom of speech until it is speech they don't like.
During our interview the church phone rang about every ten minutes with mostly positive comments from around the world.  The church of about a dozen members had a full house of about seventy-five on Sunday with all of the visitors.  Putting out this brush fire might take awhile. God has a way of vindicating his people and preparing a table for us in the presence of our enemies.  The semi-retired Pastor told us he had receive numerous letters with gracious words as well as financial offerings.  He was greatly encouraged.  In weeks following he had the letters stolen from his sign several times but he carries on like the energizer bunny.

Watch our video interview of the pastor and the demonstration in front of the church.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Muslims and Nazis

Hitler with Muslim Imam
 Mohammed Amin al-Husseini
Muslim Nazis Handschar uniform patch
Chose carefully who your friends are
Hitler's death squads at times had difficulty in distinguishing between circumcised Muslims and Jews especially in the Balkans and Crimea.