Say Nothing
by Philip Haney & Art Moore
review by Dale Brown
National security events following the Islamic attacks on America on September 11, 2001 developed into what has become known as the Department of Homeland Security, set up President George W. Bush and the US Congress. It is the largest Government agency formed since the establishment of the Department of Defense and Philip Haney was one its founding members. And now he is dead. entomologist with a history of researching bugs for the Department of Agriculture and experience with overseas cultures and languages in Egypt, Eritrea, Israel, Jordan, and Yemen he had a unique ability for tracking down Muslim terrorists. He was the stereotypical nerd who had learned shorthand which became one of his most valuable assets. He has been called a nation treasure because when "See something, say something" was plastered all over public places after 9/11 he was a front-line intelligence expert investigating branches of the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups linked to worldwide terror. Michele Bachman, former member of Congress, wrote a glowing foreword expressing her concern how a man such as Mr. Haney could receive numerous awards for his work going beyond the call of duty yet when his reports were sent up the chain of command his detailed findings were so alarming that those who had been calling Islam a "religion of peace" had him shut down and the new and improved slogan became "See Something, Say Nothing". Had this information been heeded it is likely that lives may have been saved such as those gunned down at San Bernardino.
It has been said that the road to hell is paved with political correctness. He pointed out that in 2006 the American arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, (HAMAS) CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) began getting VIP tours of major US airport security systems and employees were required to go through Islamic sensitivity training so as to not offend Muslims. CAIR began working with the ACLU getting legal advice on how to work the US courts in their favor and the United Arab Emirates started throwing millions of dollars at CAIR. Haney wrote a piece called Green Tide Rising which was publish on the Front Page Magazine website which got the attention of those in power who accused him of unethical behavior. An investigation yielded no evidence of criminal behavior, he proved to be nothing more than a patriot doing his job.
When Haney was ordered to erase years of research of dozens of links of terror groups he thought that he could get the attention of Congress about the tragedy this was going to cause for national security. He submitted his concerns to Michele Bachman, Louie Gohmert and a few others then watched as John Boehner, John McCain and others defended Islam and attack them as though they had dreamed up a wild fantasy based on nothing but racial bias and religious bigotry. It became quite obvious how dangerous things had become with Muslims in Congress such as Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison who were now speaking for the Muslim Brotherhood. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 's top aid, Huma Abedin, a Muslim, now had access to potentially sensitive government information and no one seemed to know how she ever got vetted to such a position. Mitt Romney was one of those who came to the defense of the Muslims.
In 2011Hillary had been duped by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) a group of fifty-seven Muslim nations who have been working to empower a world Caliphate for decades. These countries already have sharia-blasphemy laws and are systematically scheming under the guise of confronting Islamophobia to enact such rules over non-Muslim countries as well.
This hard hitting book is co-written by Art Moore, a reporter and editor who has been in the business of researching counterterrorism since 9/11. It will be interesting to see how the Trump's new administration will sort out the mess Washington is in.
For more information about the OIC