Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Islam and Junk Science

Islam, like other cults, like to use fake science to convince people of the reliability of their prophet's revelation.  They often take a small verse from their religious book and make a big leap of judgment to make it line up with some supposed scientific data.  Christians have been guilty of this as well, however Islam goes to great extreme to make Muhammad a vehicle of scientific truth by some miraculous spiritual means.  The cover of the following book shows a Quran flying through space like it landed at Mecca in printed form straight from outer space.
Published by Darussalam, Houston, Texas
(loaded with fake science for the naive and uneducated)
It claims that those who turn away from the Quran "will have a life of hardship in this world." (pg 43)  Rather odd that so many Muslim countries are war torn third world countries when the Quran is supposed to be such a blessing.
Holy Smoke
Citing Surah 41:11 "Then He [Allah] turned to the heaven when it was smoke...") this book claims this a scientific proof of Muhammad's revelation.
Surah 16:15 reads, "And He [Allah] has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you..."  This is supposed to prove that mountains extend deep into the earth's crust with roots that stabilize the earth keeping it from shaking. (pg.13)  So, mountains should prevent earthquakes.  Muhammad apparently had never been near a volcano.
Man Evolved from a Leech!
"We created man from an extract of clay.  Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed.  Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot, then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)...) (Surah 23:13-14) (pg. 6&7)
So there you have it.
 Apparently Darwin had never read the Quran.
The Quran has a different spin on the origin of life. "Allah has created every (living) creature from water. Of them there are some that creep on their bellies, and some that walk on two legs, and some that walk on four." (Surah 24:45, 21:30)

On page 40 there is a quote from an expert on science and religion named Hillary Rodham Clinton, "Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..."  Now if that doesn't convince you the following surely will.  
Muhammad's book of science claims that Jews are the most greedy of mankind and Allah turned some of them into apes and swine.  (Surah 2:9, 5:60, 7:166)

Monday, August 27, 2018

Pakistan pressures Google with Sharia

This post of ours, critical of Islam, received a complaint from Pakistan.  They very much would like to impose sharia (Muslim law) on our freedom of speech.
Google sent us this notice.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Muhammad in D.C.

We often hear the argument that Islam is in harmony with American justice because there is a relief carving of Muhammad on the walls of the Supreme Court.
Our Capitol is decorated with numerous historical and mythical figures.  At the National Library there is a fountain statue of Neptune.
The Washington Monument is a huge phallic symbol which in ancient history represented the fertility cults of various pagan religions.
Many of our founding fathers owned a copy of the Quran because they wanted to understand the ideology of Islam.  I own several copies of the Quran yet like most of our founding fathers understand it contradicts and challenges both the Jewish Old Testament as well as the New Testament and the gospel.  How is it that statues of southern soldiers are being removed for racist or unethical lives while Muhammad who murdered the Jews of Khaybar, married a 6 year old, and was a slave trader, is on full display on the walls of the Supreme Court in DC?