New mosque being built in Jordan, Utah got some visitors
When we showed up with signs highlighting Islam as being a cult November 15, 2019 it did not take long to get the attention of the locals here in the rat race of Salt Lake valley.The project is located on a very busy four lane road. After about an hour we were confronted by a guy claiming to be the general contractor as we were putting our signs back in our car. The contractor, who did not give his name, wanted to know if we had a permit to protest. So he started out pushing a lie and it went down hill from there. He claimed this project has already been a security nightmare and our signs were only going to make things worse. He tried to convince us that this was not the Islam that everyone hears about in the news, this is an American mosque where the woman were on the same level as men, blah, blah, blah. Whenever we tried to talk he would interrupt us claiming we were not listening to him. He was not a bit interested in the history of Islam or about the message of the Quran. He said that his father was an ex-Mormon and he had been raised as a Christian. So, now he is building Utah's larges Muslim mosque. How does this work that a supposed Christian builds a mosque for one of history's worst enemies? A bit like inviting in the Devil to keep the heating bill down. These are the kind of people who built projects for the Nazis. What is next, camps to house us infidels while we wait for our turn for the gas ovens? It all creates jobs. What could possibly go wrong?
For the record, we have first amendment rights in America
so we are not a bit intimidated by people
2020 becomes a voting center
Imam Shuaib Din from Dewsbury, England got his education in Islamic studies at the Dar ul Uloom in Pakistan. He has some history in Salt Lake dating back before he was pressured out of another mosque in the valley. In 2007 the Salt Lake Tribune reported that he was served a protection order related to marital problems and Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake asked him to leave. He apparently went to Chicago for a time but now he is back at this new female friendly mosque in Jordan.
Islamic Society of Greater Salt Lake