Founded in 1969 the OIC is Muslim organization of 57 Muslim nations that are striving to revive a world order or Caliphate to assist the worldwide Muslim Ummah (Community) using their Cairo Declaration on "Human Rights" to enforce Sharia. What they really mean is Muslim rights. 56 of these nations are members of the United Nations. Highly critical of Israel it has been called the Muslim version of the United Nations but the reality is the United Nations is fast becoming a global voice for the OIC. They work with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to further the cause of Islam (sharia) in the western world. It is CAIR that has taken legal action against numerous businesses and schools in America for what they would describe as discrimination against Muslims. A boy brings a clock that looks like a bomb to school and the school is sued for being afraid of bombs. A member of CAIR brings an AK-47 to a gun range and the range owner is sued for being afraid of Muslims with assault rifles.
Philip Haney in his book See Something Say Nothing noted that Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State met with the OIC in 2011 for something called the Istanbul Process which was to address Islamophobia.
Whose who in the political zoo?
Obama appointed Rashad Hussain, an American Muslim, as the Special Envoy to OIC in 2010.