The Muslim Plot
Somali woman, Ilhan Omar, new State Rep. sworn in on a Quran
Jan. 3, 2017, in St. Paul, Minn.
So which oath will he honor, the one to the Constitution or the Quran?

Hear Andre Carlson the Muslim Democratic Congressman
from Indiana speaking to the Islamic Circle of North America
2011 Mohamed T. Khairullal swears into office of Mayor with hand on the terrorist manual inspired by the false prophet Muhammad. Then in 2017 has CAIR go after a school board member for an Islamophobic comment in South Plainfield, N.J. This is classic Sharia at work.
Will she be willing to recuse herself in any cases involving non-Muslims?
before this judge who wears the hijab?
How many non-Muslim judges would we find in Mecca or Medina. Zero!
Why don't Mormons swear on the Book of Mormon?
Both Mormons and Muslims claim the Bible has been perverted yet both will claim to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Jews, all the while rejecting the traditional and historical views.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California has been avery vocal promoter of Sharia Law
What is wrong with this picture?
Valerie Jarrett , Senior Adviser to the President.
Suppose you get hauled into court for insulting Islam.
This is not Luton, England,
this is some of New York's finest in hijab.
Hodan Hassan sworn in on Quran
Why is our government so sold on Obama and putting a shariah judge on a America constitution.. Why is this.. That this constitution doesn't recognize shariah law.. It's just the opposite.. Why is that..