This presents Allah as a God of contradictions thus making it easy for those reading the Qur’an to find nearly anything in it to justify whatever view fits with the present situation, especially in regards to fighting or punishing the infidel. If one wants to apply a principle it only requires finding the appropriate surah, preferably a most recent one that will trump an earlier revelation. Chapter 9 (Repentance) which has the most militant views about jihad is commonly understood to be of a later date in the process of revelation to Mohammed. By abrogation the Muslim is able to write off every Bible verse that contradicts the Quran.
According to the Qur’an the Muslim is considered free of all obligations and treaties made with Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) (Sura 9:1). And they wonder why westerners do not trust them. The Saudi flag, sporting its white sword on a holy field of green does not portray a very peaceful image. I wonder what the world would think if the United States flag had an image of an atomic mushroom cloud in a field of stars and stripes.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbT-1inFxZY
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