Sunday, October 30, 2016

CBC bringing more Muslim students

The article in the Tri-City Herald (10/30/16) regarding bringing in students from the United Arab Emirates brought to mind what Idaho State University in Pocatello has experienced over the past couple years. Columbia Basin College President Rich Cummins and Sen. Sharon Brown apparently see only dollar signs and over look the fact that these students are coming from Muslim nations who know only Sharia or Muslim law as their civil code of conduct where women are second class humans and non-Muslims are simply kafirs with no rights under Allah's laws. Both flogging and stoning are accepted forms of punishment in the UAE. This type of social experiment backfired in Pocatello and eventually many of the Saudi and Kuwaiti students, the cash cow, packed up and left because they were offended by the locals.  According to the Missoulian, Montana Tech in Butte, Montana had some serious problems with belligerent foreign Muslim students cheating on their tests in 2016.  You would think CBC would think twice before going down this road.
The Herald article points out that the UAE is planning eight nuclear plants and CBC could benefit by equipping students from there for this new business venture. So Obama has given the Iranians $400 million for their nuke projects and now CBC wants to equip students from the UAE to run nuclear plants as well. And Sen. Brown also wants to show off the college's cybersecurity program. To me this smacks of inviting in the Devil to keep the heating bill down.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Ka'ba - god in a box

Mohammed was born 567 after christ in the town of Mecca during a time when the religious folk of the area rallied around a group of stones set up in a shrine at the center of town.  These several hundred stones represented the various gods and goddesses of the surrounding tribes.   The New Encyclopedia of Islam by Cyril Glassé, a Muslim, writes that one of the most important idols in Mecca prior to Mohammed was one representing the moon god Hubal.  It is said Mohammed made a doorstep of Hubal.   Other historians claim the chief deity was known as Allah and other idols represented his daughters.  One thing for sure, the word Allah was commonly used prior to Mohammed’s arrival, his father’s name was ‘Abd Allah, literally servant of Allah.   This shrine has come to be known as the Ka’ba (“cube” in Arabic).  Being on the trade route for caravans between India and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean it was a popular place for religious pilgrimage and as with most religious centers it produces some degree of income for the local economy.  It provided for a certain amount of cultural diversity as well.
In the year 630 Mohammed led an overwhelming army of 10,000 men against Mecca where they took over the sanctuary of Allah and tore down all the images of foreign gods that had been introduced during the “Age of Ignorance” leaving only the Black Stone which is mounted in one corner of the club for all the world to see and admire.   The prophet sanctioned a tradition of kissing it which is still practiced to this day. 
Though Biblical characters at times set up stone altars or monuments for a memorial to historical events nothing compares to the Muslim adoration of the Ka’ba.  Muslim tradition has it that it was first built by Adam.  Later it was rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael, who supposedly started the pilgrimage tradition, yet there is no such record in the Bible or Jewish tradition.  “Lo! the first Santuary appointed for mankind was that at Becca (Mecca), a blessed place, a guidance to the peoples; wherein are plain memorials (of Allah’s guidance); the place where Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever entereth it is safe.  And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for him who can find a way thither.”  Mecca became the Holy City where Muslims have their annual gathering (hajj) and circle the Ka’ba seven times.  No unbeliever is authorized hereafter to set foot on this sacred bit of earth.  The Ka’ba has been rebuilt a number of times.  Shortly before Mohammed migrated from Medina, teakwood from a wrecked Byzantine ship at a nearby port was used to build a more elaborate Ka’ba.  Today it is draped with a black cloth embroidered with calligraphy in gold thread, which is cut up and distributed to those who make the annual pilgrimage.  Since the advent of modern world travel and communication this has become the most elaborate religious tourist scam in history.  It employs thousands of construction workers and janitorial teams that sweep and sanitize the area before and after every major event. There is a constant team of engineers and visionaries working on the enlargement of the area around the ka'ba do to an ever increasing number of faithful Muslims who come to the annual hajj.
Modern clock towers over the ka'ba

Kissing the black stone.  Why is this not idolatry?
Jesus never kissed the black stone

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Walmart endorsing Muslim Sharia?

Muslim supremacy or subjugation?
Muslim employees now sporting hijabs at the Walmart store in Kennewick, Washington.  How long will it be before Muslims sue them for not having proper segregated male and female prayer rooms, foot baths and time off during Ramadan?  A number of stores across the nation are already carrying Muslim Halal meats to accommodate Sharia.
Will Walmart have to provide cultural training or Islamic dawah for non-Muslim employees so as to not offend the Muslims?

You can thank World Relief, which has an office in the TriCities, and other refugee businesses for bringing the Muslim cult to your neighborhood.

Why do Muslims always look to us kafirs for help?