Monday, November 29, 2010

Is Mohammed the Comforter?

Citing Greek Bible text it is claimed by many Muslims that Mohammed was the fulfillment of a prophecy of Christ referring to the coming Holy Spirit (Comforter or Parakelitos Grk), which would glorify Christ and be with us forever (John 14:16,16:7,14). They however, use the word "Periklutos" (the praised one, or Ahmad) instead. It might be worthy to note that Mohammed is no longer with us and his followers want nothing to do with the Biblical Christ. This appeals to the half-hearted searcher of scripture but fails by not acknowledging that it is Jesus who is credited in the Bible as sending Him (the parakelitos) to you. Muslims are not eager to accept Mohammed being sent by any other than Allah. This is not to mention that the Holy Spirit’s role is to glorify Christ, not Allah.

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