Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Unified Caliphate? Dabiq and Rumiyah

Can ISIS Unite with other Muslims?
Leaving no heir to his kingdom, Mohammed's death sent his followers into a tailspin. Considering the power struggles that followed one might be amazed that the religion survived. Though the Qur’an warns that there is to be no divisions amoung Muslims Islam became divided into two major groups, the Sunna, considered the orthodox traditional version, and the Shi’a who elected a caliph (successor) from those related to the prophet through marriage. A series of squabbles followed for the next ten years or so between followers of Mohammed’s wife Aisha and several caliphates (leaders), one being her father, Abu Bakr, who only lived for a couple of years after Mohammed’s death. In 661 a rebellion arose through the leadership of Kharijite (Seceder), Mu’awiya, who killed his opposition, Ali, the husband of Mohammed’s daughter, Fatima. Mu’awiya became the first Umayyad Caliph in Jerusalem, and Damascus, in Syria for a time became the new capital of Islam. Rivalry continued between Umayyad and the Abbasid family, descendants of the Prophet’s uncle Abbas.
At one point siege was laid against Mecca (683) where the Ka’ba was smashed with stones from catapults and burned. The sacred black stone was cracked into three pieces by the heat. The stone was later stolen by Qarmatian raiders (930) who kept it at either al-Hasa or Bahrayn until it was returned in 951 broken into seven pieces.
The Abbasids eventually executed most of the Umayyad clan who held the Arab superiority doctrine and moved the capitol of the Muslim empire from Damascus to Baghdad in Iraq where it remained for five centuries. From there Islam began to grow not merely as an Arab tribal religion but intellectually as a world power. The Abbasids held little conviction regarding marrying non-Arabs for many Abbasids were quite literally sons of non-Arab slaves. Crossing these ethnic lines became quite beneficial for the spread of Islam. It became a more inclusive religion.

Since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after WWI the Muslim world has been trying desperately to revive the Caliphate (Khilafah).  So far ISIS has been the most ambitious to make this happen with oil money and stolen military resources financing their war of terror against the rafidi.  Rafida is a term used to describe "anyone who rejects" their plan.  This would include Shiites and even Sunnis who would consider befriending western governments for any reason whether it be for business or military support.  The western kafir (infidel) is always to be considered the enemy of the Caliphate.  For this reason the Muslim world is divided into several camps.  The Shiites of Iran as well as the Sunnis of Mecca would love to see the world Caliphate but it would have to be according to their terms.  ISIS attracts the most radical which cannot work with anyone long term.
ISIS publishes a magazine called DABIQ the eleventh issue was entitled "From the Battle of Al-Ahzab to the war of Coalitions".  The Coalitions is reference to the western coalitions fighting them worldwide today.

The town of DABIQ, Syria was supposed to be the location of the final battle between the infidels and the Musims, however ISIS got their butts kicked in October of 2016.  They quickly changed the name of the magazine to Rumiyah (Arabic for Rome).  The October issue encouraged Muslims to carry out stabbing attacks on the infidels world wide because knives are easy weapons to purchase.
 Should anyone think ISIS is anything other than the common expression of the Islamic Khilafah we need look no further than the history of the Ottomans against the Serbs or the Massacre of Batak, Bulgaria (1876).  Read the record of Januarius MacGahan who wrote of his eye witness account of his journey through Batak a few months after the event, the testimonies of the survivors weeping over several thousand rotting corpses of their families who had been decapitated and partially burned by Ottoman soldiers, the young girls raped and sliced open with the sword after the entertainment was satisfied.  How the dogs fed on the exposed bodies for weeks because the Muslims claimed that these Christians were not worthy of burial.

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