Monday, November 14, 2016

Sting Stung by Allah

A year after 89 people were slaughtered at a the Bataclan theater in Paris by Muslims, Sting reopened the venue with his song "Inshallah (God willing, in Arabic)".  Allah was likely the last word many of the victims heard before their blood ran out cold on the floor.
Musicians who write poetic lyrics which speak to the emotions and issues of daily life are so often elevated as prophets by their naive fans.  Bob Dylan, the Dixie Chicks, Bruce Springsteen and others have had their shot at it.  But very few of them are theologians.  Springsteen revealed his complete stupidity by claiming in mocking terms before the election that Trump was no way going to become President.  As brilliant as Sting is it is a wonder why he would use a term that would touch so many people on the raw.  I suppose he thought it would be a polite way of bowing to the Muslims and keep them off his back.  Well why not, that is what most other British dhimmis are doing these day.  To speak critical of Islam in Britain is to find yourself in court accused of any number of sharia trumped up charges as Tommy Robinson, Jayda Fransen and others have discovered.
Outspoken Christians such as Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen have had a long history of battles against Islam in the UK. 

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